
It is a common thing for a couple to experience boredom in sex, especially if they have been living together for more than 2 years. Luckily for all of us, sex life is something we can improve. The only condition is our desire.


The smell

Let’s start with the emotional side of the problem. Sex life is something you both need to work on if you want it to be spicy and various. There is no way one partner can change everything on his/her own. Thus, if your partner is not ready to change anything, you need to prepare her and show the importance of the “amendments”. Give her a hint and let her know that your cooperation may lead to an incredibly pleasant result.   

Of course, it will be inhuman to force your partner to act like a professional porn actress. Therefore, you should start with little things. Partners who are in a long-term relationship can easily define each other by smell. Perfumes, shower gel, shampoos, etc. If you want to spice up your sex life, change the whole line, taking into account your partner’s preferences, of course. If your partner hates mint, don’t go against her preferences and don’t use this smell, especially if you are dating Russian women. It won’t help you spice up sex. The only thing you get from it will be annoyance and irritation.

The separation

As a rule, most guides on how to spice up your sex life provide their readers with such tips as role playing, new techniques, etc.  Let’s think out of the box. Sex shop toys are great, but why not try something more unusual. A short separation may fresh up your sex life too. Consider spending your weekends separately, for example. Don’t call each other for a few days, don’t use social networks. The key thing here is not to spoil the moment when you see each other after being apart. Don’t start discussing your day-to-day issues. Start acting like you missed each other and feel the sex drive the moment you enter your place.

Make it quick

Speed sex is something that will help you concentrate your thoughts on satisfaction exclusively. Don’t hesitate to have sex right where you felt the desire. Tell your partner that you want her right there. If you are dating Russian girls, you should know it is worth trying. There are many ways to spice up sex. It may be hard to believe that sex with Russian women needs any variety at all. Russian girls are just great in bed.  However, if things get worse don’t hesitate to pick one of our ideas to spice up sex life.


There is no doubt that you send texts each other during the day. I bet most of them sound like “going to lunch” or “having a tough day”.  Try making your daily correspondence sound spicier. Send her a text describing your sexual desires in details. The key thing here is to keep the rhythm and not to try too hard. This may make you feel exhausted. The whole thing aims at warming your partner up before she gets home.

Sleep mode

This is a great trick your girl may use to spice sex life up. If you have ever tried sex with Russian girls, you would know what I mean.  I cannot say that Russian women do nothing in bed. However, they use the “sleep mode”. This is a great tool if you want to see your partner’s true desires. Sometimes it is difficult to implement your deepest wishes in bed. It happens that partners fear embarrassment too much. The sleep mode play is something like a promise not to react to all the weird stuff your partner wants to try. This prevents the other partner from being embarrassed. Besides, there are no losers here. First of all, you will have your dream sex. Secondly, your girl will get the idea (direction) of what you want to try.

By the way, it does not mean your partner won’t respond to your actions. Everything will happen as if she is really asleep and open to your experiments/suggestions.

Take it slow

Sometimes it is essential to prolong the foreplay part rather than jump into sex. It is not a big deal, especially if you have been living together for a long time. The thing is that the long-lasting foreplay can bring the sex drive you used to have at the beginning of the relationship back. Do it as long as possible. You know how to please her. The key thing is not to start sex unless she is begging you for it. I bet it is not a problem for you. Get inspired! Imagine the satisfaction you’ll get if you hold your temper and stand the test. 

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