Cool Examples of Relationship Goals
Everyone dreams about meeting their second half and live a long and happy life together. However, problems can start literally after the first few dates and conversations. Why does it happen, how to make a relationship stronger or build a new one, which will be long and stable?
It is painfully obvious that true love is different from a casual relationship. First of all, this feeling is devoid of illusions and mirages inherent in amorousness. Love is more complicated feeling in comparison with a simple crush or passion. The process of building a strong relationship is hard and demanding work, first of all, above yourself. But it is also a great joy when you see how your efforts bear fruit! When you look at a loved one and understand - they feel good with you, just the same as you do.
Nowadays a lot of people face some difficulties while starting a serious relationship, dating, or just looking for someone to live life with. Internet pages are full of articles containing pieces of advice and tips for both young and mature couples. Psychologists are always around to offer professional help, and friends share their experience in attempts to be useful, but sometimes you find yourself thinking that this is not your case, and your friend’s partner is completely different from yours, hence their advice will never work. In most cases, we become desperate and start surfing the web looking for #relationshipgoals.
Here is a list of relationship goals which can help you build a strong and long-lasting relationship.
Relationship Goals and How They Can Make Things Work
• Understand
Being the most mandatory relationship goal, understanding is a good foundation for building relationships. That is why friends make such good couples because they are used to speaking the same language and having common interests. Thus, minor unpleasantness that can arise due to misunderstanding disappear. Do not make a quarrel where you can do without it.
• Trust
To learn to trust is difficult. There is always the temptation to control someone. But why? After all, if you do not trust your partner, this means that you are insecure. This is particularly true for jealousy. A relationship without trust has never made anyone happy. Learn to be more confident and trust your loved one. Control yourself, not others.
• Let go
It is a paramount point in future relationship goals. When you love a person, you want to spend more time with them. But sometimes you need to relax from each other to get an opportunity to miss each other and find a new topic for discussion. Let your partner spend time with friends, and don't forget about yours. Split holiday is very good, it helps get rid of the annoying daily routine.
• Support
Help your loved one develop. If they want to change the job or meet new people, there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone is afraid of change, but this is not the case when fear is somehow justified. Support your partner in their endeavors, help them, and they will definitely appreciate it.
• Negotiate
Deal with the fact that a compromise is not a defeat. Is it really better to have the last word but to be always unhappy? Recognize that the partner is right, do not be afraid of it. The ability to negotiate means that you have a chance to live a long and happy life together.
• Be yourself
No one is perfect, every person has their flaws. To admit one's weaknesses is not to fall in the partner's esteem. On the contrary, knowing your experiences and weaknesses, the partner will be more sensitive to you, being ready to support and help. Do not be afraid to admit that you are not perfect.
• Accept
Some things cannot be corrected, for example, the past. So, you should accept the past of your loved one, their mistakes, and experience. If these didn’t happen, they would not be the ones you love. Be grateful for what you have now. You should not be disturbed by yesteryear. Everything changes. Give your loved one the opportunity to become better, forget about all existing stereotypes.
• Forgive
hatever conflicts you have, learn to forgive and forget. After all, the ability to forgive shows how serious you are about this person. Do not be spiteful, never remind of past insults. It is a very poisonous life which destroys any relationship.
• Communicate
Talk about what you want. No one will read your mind. Speaking aloud desires will help your partner make you happier. But never expect for something in return: unrealized expectations are a source of frustration. The less you expect, the fewer reasons to grieve about unfulfilled things you will have.
• Show your love
This one is among Top 5 cute couple relationship goals. Nothing can be cuter than seeing flowers on a bed table in the morning or leaving small notes with warm words on the refrigerator. Feel free to show the person how much you love them. Hiding your emotions is superfluous in relationships. Do not skimp on love because your relationship is based on giving it to each other.
Real Relationship Goals
Quite often tips related to building a relationship which you can find on the web sites resemble a list of average rules, which are written by someone who knows nothing about being in a relationship. For sure, it’s better to listen to someone who had the same experience.
Here are examples of relationship goals that are revealed to different girls during their happy relationship. Real feelings make people better, this is the main indicator. Their partners showed them what a partnership is, and that it should be filled with mutual understanding and sincerity. It taught these girls a lot, according to their words.
Hear someone’s "no"
There is no need to do “better” if the partner clearly expresses their disagreement with something. "No" does not mean "maybe" or "yes, but I want to be persuaded."
Be calm about your ex
You do not blame anyone, do not throw a tantrum, but simply ask whether the issue has been put on the agenda. The fact that you can tell your partner about the ex and the reasons for breaking up with them speaks about your trust in your partner. And your ability to listen to partner’s story about previous relationships without scandal testifies to a triumph of common sense over emotions. Of course, you shouldn’t spend too much time talking about your ex, but sometimes “debriefing” can help you avoid becoming "former" for each other.
1. Be happy that you have common friendsMore precisely, the fact that their friends have become your friends (and vice versa). It is very nice when people whom you know from school accept your beloved man/woman as a close person.
2. Know each other as good as possible
So that even buying a birthday present should be a pleasure for you, not torture.
3. Be proud of each other
And do it without a shadow of envy. Tell your friends sincerely how incredible your beloved is, and moreover, do it not only after a week of the first date but also after 5 years of marriage.
4. Learn to handle with money
Decide together how much to spend and what to buy. Find a balance, stop arguing on financial reasons and hiding the size of your salary from each other.
5. Have arguments
You can solve problems without the scandals that make your neighbors want to call the police. Argue on the merits, avoiding mutual insults. And try not to behave like a character in the joke, “Are you offended? - No. Strongly? - Yes." If something does not suit you, it is better to discuss it.
6. Sleep in one bed
And do not consider it a real nightmare. This one is the most popular from the list of couples goals. We don’t actually know why some couples feel comfortable with each other while sharing a bed during sex but prefer to sleep in different rooms. What can be more pleasant than looking at your beloved one in the morning while he or she is still asleep, or bringing breakfast for your partner?
7. Decide what you are going to eat in 15 min (MAX.)
And do not quarrel about it! Sometimes it is a problem as well. Many couples do quarrel because of such trivial things as food. Are you familiar with situations when one wants to order some food and another one wants to cook dinner by themselves? This stupid situation may cause terrible scandals, by the way, so you’d better avoid them if you want to have peace in your family.
8. Enjoy the company of each other
And do not post endless photos confirming the fact of your relationship on social networks. Happiness loves silence, remember?
9. Don’t feel guilty because you didn’t have sex at night
Because you should remember about fatigue and bad mood as well as about the fact that we are not made of iron. So, if your partner says they have no desire to make love tonight or that they have a terrible headache, just leave them alone and don’t take offense.
10. Being in one room and doing your own business
You are watching the show with your headphones on, they are working. You are reading a book, they are playing a computer game (or vice versa). You do not disturb each other and do not feel any embarrassment from not talking for 40 minutes or so.
Relationship Sex Goals
When it comes down to relationship sex goals, a lot of difficulties occur. The deal is that many young couples are embarrassed about going to sexologist or consulting friends and even each other if they have some problems. Another partner can’t tell their beloved that they are unsatisfied with the sexual life they have. Don’t be ashamed. Sex is an integral part of our lives, and especially when you are in a relationship.
Here are our essential boyfriend and girlfriend goals for making your partnership really hot.
1. Make love as often as possible
Basic instinct is the reason you have chosen each other. Not paying attention to sex and erotic attractiveness for a partner is one of the most stupid and unpleasant mistakes made in love. You can soar in the clouds, read Proust out loud to each other, but dissatisfaction in bed will make both of you unhappy, pulling a strap of duty and responsibility. Psychologist's comment, “Cheating is only one of the consequences of losing sexual interest in each other. Besides, there is a loss of confidence and trust. If a couple breaks up, for this reason, it is often difficult for partners to arrange a further personal life without the help of a specialist. Sex is a very important part of a relationship. No material means, children and common interests are able to compensate for its absence.”
2. Arrange the "scene" for a romantic night
Maybe you are used to sex on old wiped sheets in an untidy room, but in order to improve your sex life, you need to improve the conditions. "Allocate a little time, clean, light a candle, or at least refresh the air and adjust the light to your mood. This will demonstrate to your soulmate that you have made certain emotional "investments" in your sex life and will strengthen your mutual understanding during sex," said Alicia Sinclair, certified sex coach.
3. Talk about sex outside the bedroom
A pillow is a great place to get what you want, but it’s not always the most productive. If you want to make a closer relationship with a partner and get more pleasure, try talking about sex outside the bedroom. “Try to start a conversation with a partner in a neutral place. It’s better not to provoke new discussions when you are in bed ... The autodrome is a great place to start a dialogue,” sexologist Megan Stubbs advises.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others
It’s hard to avoid comparing yourself with media examples, so it’s not surprising that many people hesitate whether they have “good” sex. "Discard unnecessary opinions and comparisons," advises psychotherapist Angie Gunn. "Bodies, positions, sounds, and actions are much more diverse, creative and beautiful than the things we try to impose," she says.
5. Develop a "sex menu"
Talk to your partner about the different things you love in bed and how you like to do it. So you can order your "preferences" from some kind of tender to hotter sex, depending on your mood.
"The menu helps create diversity, and it also helps couples expand the definition of sex. Not everything on the menu can be attractive to both partners. One of the lovers may have to find other ways to meet some needs if their partner is not open to something,” said sex counselor Wendy Dambrof.
Let this article help you establish a personal life. The information above may help you if you're looking for long-term relationship goals or just want to make a love affair more ardent. We hope that our tips will become your common goals in life. Building partnership is not so difficult, just remember such well-known truths. Be conscious even in such a palpitating question as love.