Russian women dating started gaining popularity after 1990. Suddenly, all of those girls behind the iron curtain became accessible. Though, Russian women still remained mysterious for western men. Actually, being so mysterious helped Russian women in attracting the interest of western men.

At first, men from western countries were intrigued by Russian women considering them as kind of exotic. But soon one thing surfaced and became the ultimate source of the desire to find hot Russian brides.


It turned out that Russian and Western women differ greatly, partly because feminism had a lesser impact in Russia. Western men often complain about their women being overly-emancipated and career-obsessed. Families, where a wife acts as the main family supplier while a husband babysits and does the housekeeping, may not be typical in the western world, still they are not uncommon. Russian women, on the other hand, accept traditional gender role and they will always choose in favor of family when deciding between family and career. These peculiarities make no surprise that western men are obsessed with hot Russian girls.

Where to find a real Russian girl?

Russian women look more than suggestive. So, where one can meet a Russian girl? Of course, you can always buy a ticket and make a trip to Russia, but would you have enough time to build the needed connection and be sure you'd have no problems with language barrier (we'll discuss it later)? Yep, a short trip to Russia to find a Russian girl for further relationships will never be enough. It is much more likely that you'd have to stay in Russia for a year or so in order to date a Russian woman, a perspective that doesn't sound so appealing, considering the lamentable economic state of the former Soviet republic.

So, what? Waiting for a chance meeting with a Russian girl who miraculously happened to be in your homeland is the only possibility to get to know those suggestive Russian females? No, and the Internet comes as your ultimate solution, as it is full of services offering Russian girls dating. Dating services give you the perfect opportunity to get to know the girl you like in order to understand if the first date offline would be worthwhile. Considering the fact that your first offline date would most likely take place in Russia, dating site is your best choice, as you don't want to spend that much money and time just to meet the wrong person.

Language barrier: how to overcome it in the shortest way possible

Language barrier is something that you will inevitably face when dating a foreigner. The best thing that you can do is, once again, turn to online dating services. Most of them display the level of English of each girl on the site thus allowing you to pick the one who knows English well.

Still, you'll have to be patient as you will have to explain certain idioms and phrases to her. The best possible way to avoid any confusion is to learn Russian as well. As you will understand the way she thinks. Thus, each time she will have problems understanding something you'll be able to explain it with an ease.

young-girlThe way Russian girls see men

If you want to date a Russian girl you need to understand the way Russian girls see men. Most of Russian women were brought up according to strict patriarchal rules, which means that for them, the man is the central figure. Still, it doesn't mean that she will respect you only because you are a man.

When it comes to Russian merits, “man” and “male” are not the same things. Man must be family's main, if not the only, supplier. Man must protect and provide for his woman. And, if you are not ready for it, better give up on your dream to date a Russian girl, as you are not different from Russia men. What, you thought that Russian men were great? Then why Russian women are so eager to marry a foreigner?

Russian men were spoiled by women. After WWII claimed millions of lives, men in Russian culture became something sacred. As a result, ten women fighting for one man was quite a common situation. Those 'central figures' in woman's life didn't give a damn to women becoming main suppliers. Thus, Russian women are eager to marry a foreigner for their patriarchal upbringing to be reasonable.

Chivalry: the great necessity?

The Internet is full of articles that you need to be chivalrous to lure a Russian woman. While everything depends solely on the individuality of your lady of choice, mainly it is true. But what does it mean to be chivalrous and why it is necessary? The chivalry is necessary, because you need to show that you are not the same as Russian men (read the previous point).

Being chivalrous is much easier than you may think. First of all, you need to have good manners. This means that you know that you should let her in first, stand up when she stands up, pull out the chair for her, and etc.

You need to be generous as well. It doesn't mean that you must buy her an island or a house, but you need to present her with some small gifts and flowers. Russian women consider gifts as the expression of man's attention. Mind that you don't need to buy her expensive gifts, because she may think that you are trying to buy her.

When it comes to dates, you need to arrange them yourself, as it is considered to be man's job in Russian culture. So, you need to pay close attention when she tells you what she likes, as it may give you the key to what kind of date she would enjoy.

Wedding and family with a Russian girl

As with chivalry, everything depends on the individuality of the girl, but generally, if you want to marry a Russian girl, you must be ready for a big and unforgettable wedding. It should be pompous with a lot of guests from both parties, so you must be ready to pick the best wedding planners. But nobody says that you won't find a Russian girl for whom just getting married with you, without an opulent and loud wedding, will be enough.

Family is one of the main reasons to marry a Russian girl, as Russian women make perfect wives and mothers. Russian culture is known for the self-sacrifice. There were a lot of heroic cases when men had sacrificed themselves either for God or for the fatherland. In women, self-sacrifice transformed into the complete devotion to their men and their families. It means that a Russian girl will never get tired of cooking for you, pleasing you, doing the housekeeping, and taking care of your children. All you need to do is to be the head of the family.

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