
Yulia, age 43
  Anastasiia, age 23
  Zoryana, age 39
  Kristina, age 22
Olesia, age 20
  Anastasiia, age 21
  Anastasia, age 30
  Anna, age 41
Veronica, age 29
  Luiza, age 30
  Tetiana, age 26
  Uliia, age 21

Online Live Video & Text Chat with Russian & Ukrainian Girls Ready for Dating


Internet dating is inconceivable without a text dating chat. Texting is your main tool, a means of communication with the girls you meet. However, you can’t enjoy the process of communication to the fullest when you exchange messages without seeing your interlocutress. This is where a video dating chat can make a difference. It’s a more personal experience. You see each other and can compare the real look with the pictures in the profile. Also, you see the instant reactions to your questions, jokes, compliments. Live communication would be the best option, but since you are far away from each other, a live video chat is a good temporary alternative.

How to prepare for video chat?

If you managed to chat with sexy girls over text, most probably you want to have an online date with one of them. Yes, online acquaintances are similar to the real-life ones in that way that sooner or later a first date takes place. In terms of online dating, a first video chat is considered to be your first virtual date. Like a traditional date, it requires some preparations.

First of all, agree upon the time you’ll be having a video date. It should be convenient for both of you. Having scheduled the date, you’ll be able to get ready for it in the best way. Don’t forget to adjust to her time zone.

Think of the place from which you’ll be video-calling your online girlfriend. Dismiss the idea of a crowded place such as a café. It’s better to do it from home where nobody distracts you and where you feel comfortable and confident.

Take care of the Internet connection. Make sure it’s strong.

What will she see behind your shoulders? What we’re getting at is the background – your room. Make sure you won’t shock her with a mess.

Set the lighting right. Don’t sit against the light that looks like a halo around you. The light from your monitor and some additional source of light (a lamp standing behind the screen) will do for a good picture.

How to impress a girl through video chat?

You already know each other a bit, so she has a certain impression of you. If she agreed to have a video chat with you, it means the impression is good. That is why your main task should be to not to disappoint her. Mind the timing when you video chat with girls. Your video date shouldn’t be long. You should touch upon “safe” and light topics and keep it short. End it on a positive note making her look forward to the next chat.

Look in the camera, not away. Women are crazy about eye contact. In their interpretation, if a man doesn’t maintain an eye contact, he’s not interested.

If you’re afraid of awkward pauses, then prepare some topics for your conversation in advance to make your chat go smoothly. Compliment her occasionally.

The main rule is to smile. A smile always makes a good impression on women. By the way, your smiling face can fill in an awkward moment of silence.

Pay attention to how you look. She’ll finally have an opportunity to see you live, so look at least as good as in the photos of your profile. Don’t start a video chat if you just woke up and haven’t shaved for days or just returned from a gym. Look your best. And dress accordingly.

How to dress?

It goes without saying that a stained T-shirt is not the right attire for Russian video dating or a Ukrainian dating chat. Your outfit demonstrates your attitude to your woman. By the way you’re dressed, she’ll know whether you put effort into impressing her or you just don’t care. It’s not necessary to wear a suit – you shouldn’t look like you’re having a job interview. Put on something casual but stylish. Avoid T-shirts with prints – they will only distract your interlocutress. A shirt of the right color will be a good option.

Chat Starting Tips

The first step is always the hardest. Although you’ve had several text chats, getting in touch via video is a completely different thing. If your online girlfriend is Russian or Ukrainian, video dating can be quite challenging because of a language barrier. For almost every Ukrainian or Russian, dating chat is not a problem if it’s texting. If she doesn’t know a word, she can use Google Translate and write what she wants to say. But for many girls, speaking in English is a challenge as some of them are ashamed of their accent, and some are afraid of misunderstandings. So, you should take it into account and use simple words.

Start with a greeting. Smile, say hi, express how happy you are to see her and compliment her. Tell her that she is even more beautiful than in the photos – a bit of flattery will do no harm.

A few starting phrases:

“Hi, [name]. I want to congratulate you on our first date. What did you do to my computer (phone)? I can’t take my eyes off the screen. You are gorgeous.”

“Hello, [name]. You can’t even imagine how happy I am to finally see you. You look the way I pictured you”.

“Hi, this is [your name] calling. Can I hear and see [her name]?” – A starting phrase with a bit of humor will relieve tension and create a positive mood.

Mistakes to avoid

Men make a lot of mistakes during the dates with real girls, and they make even more with the live chat girls. Here are the most common mistakes you mustn’t repeat.

Checking e-mails while having a chat. It can be quite tempting to open your Facebook account in a new tab and reply to your friend’s message. This is a gross thing to do. On the scale of rudeness, it equals to answering calls during a real-life date or scrolling through your feed in front of your date while she is talking. So, if you know you may be distracted, it’s better to use your phone for a video chat to stay focused.

Asking too philosophic or personal questions. Keep it simple, dude. Don’t kill romance with the wrong questions and topics. Start by asking about her day, then tell about yours. After that, ask, for example, about her cat or some other aspect of her life she mentioned in your previous chats. You can ask about something you see behind her in the background.

Not being able to make a conversation. It happens if you fail to jot down possible subjects for discussion. You think that you’ll find what to ask about, but your nervousness can play an evil trick with you. So, you’d better make a list of interesting questions to ask to avoid embarrassing pauses.

Romantic video chats

After the first video chat you are officially in a long-distance relationship. Texting will never be satisfying for you, so you’ll have more video chats that will try to substitute romantic dates. You can watch a movie simultaneously and then discuss it. Or you can cook dinner (each in your own kitchen), and then put your meals in front of the screens and dine together.

A hot video chat is for those who’ve been dating for a while and don’t feel shy discussing intimate topics. If you have serious intentions, it’s better to avoid any sex-related topics talking with Russian women, as they may think you are a pervert. Yet, it depends on a particular girl and her level of emancipation.

Good luck with your live video chats!